Take Our Quick Tennis Survey. Would you like to get an SMS for your tennis match? Would you like an iPhone or Android app?

Hey folks – we’re running a quick tennis survey. We’ve got a long list of ideas and feedback from people using the site over the last 2-3 years. We need your help shaping it up and sharing what you like and don’t like about Tennis Round.

Take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CTK7TGH

  • Would you like to get an SMS reminder when you have a new match?
  • Would you like an Android or iPhone app?
  • Would you like to play with the same 2-3 tennis players or prefer to play a different tennis partner every time?
  • Did you know Tennis Round was available in over 5,000 US cities, not just yours and you could use it when you travel?
  • Is there anything you’re still missing in your tennis life?

We’ve sent out an email to everyone, and already got over 400 responses. But in case you missed it, here’s another chance to take it and throw in your two cents. Every little bit helps. If you don’t chime in now, we might miss something important.

It only has 10 super easy questions, powered by the cool peeps at Survey Monkey. Shouldn’t take more than a minute. If you decide to write us a more detailed note, we’d be thrilled to listen and soak up all feedback.

Here is the survey again:


Of course, when you’re done, don’t forget to line up some matches this week w/ the fine tennis players @TennisRound.

Happy tennis!

why are you looking for a tennis partner

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