Update your location in your Tennis Round profile. When you move or travel you can still use Tennis Round.

Where do you play tennis now? Do we have your current playing location? 

We’ve received a number calls from Tennis Round members, asking why they keep getting messages from out of town players. Turns out they forgot to update their location when they moved, so we keep matching them with players from their previous city.

So, just a reminder folks – if you move, or if you travel, go to your profile and update your location so you start showing up in the players search results for that place. 

Also, you don’t have to close your account when you move. That is why we built this site! So we could play anywhere. Say if you moved from Boston to Chicago, for example, you could just update your location and keep playing. 

Update your location in 3 easy steps.

1. Login to your profile and click the green Edit my profile drop-down. Click the Edit your details link. 

2. Enter your location in the field Where do you play tennis? 

3. Click the Update button at the end.

Ah, yes – if you do happen to move to Chicago, you’ll probably be excited to find out they have an awesome beach by the lake, right in the city! With perfect sand, beach volleyball, the works. And they also have a ton of tennis courts and players. 

Featured Tennis Round City: Chicago, Illinois.

The Windy City is home to at least 416 players on Tennis Round and offers 79 tennis courts.  A lot of our members beat the wind and sweat it out at Grant Park or at Lake Shore ParkFind your own matches or get introduced to the locals by subscribing to the Premium Plan for only $4.99/month or $27/year and let the Player Matching Program do all the work in connecting you.

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