Please report your match results. Scores affect Automatic Player Matching and your Ranking.

Please report your scores. They play a part in how we connect players.

We’d like to ask you to take a minute and report your match results, if you’ve played any matches recreationally or as part of the Player Matching Program.

The benefit of reporting match results is that it informs the player system, which can then connect you to more compatible players.

It’s better to report a score (even if you lost), than to not report anything. This way we know you’re an active player and can suggest you to other active players.

How to report your scores. You have 2 options.

Option 1. If you have Premium Plan with Player Matching.

1) First, Login to your profile 

2) Go to the Games tab, click on the Report Scores button


Option 2. If you played recreationally, anyone can use this.

1) First, Login to your profile

2) Find your opponent (go to your Messages and find a conversation with them), click on their name and then click on the green Report Scores button.

3) Finally, enter your scores and click Submit score button:

Your match history is not only important to other players, who can decide whether you might be a good match for them, based on their playing record, but also earns you a spot in the Tennis Round player rankings Leaderboard.

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